The Postmodern Camerata

Since 2013, Postmodern Camerata has been entertaining audiences in the Vancouver area specializing in works for small orchestra and singers. What started out as a weekly organization to perform Bach Cantatas, emerged as a group which was able to present diverse music from Terry Riley to Ravel, Copland, Handel and Ligeti.  As the founding Artistic Director for the PMC, I will complete my final season as Artistic Director for PMC in June of 2020. I am extremely proud of the work this organization has accomplished over the years, from the breadth of its repertoire, the organizational model, all our concert venues, the amazing musicians, and of course our fantastic audiences.

While I will no longer be involved in the day to operation of PMC, I am extremely excited to continue to be involved with the group as an audience member, and perhaps even making a guest performance with them. Please watch the PMC website for more updates, and LIKE the group’s page on Facebook, as they evolve through this challenging, but exciting time.